Potato Certification

Potato certification contributes to the security of food in a growing economy. The purpose of potato certification is to eliminate diseases harmful to the potato crop. Potato certification is voluntary and registered seed potato growers participate in the cultivation of healthy seed. Potato certification is regulated by Potato Certification Service. The service includes the registration of units for potato certification specifically. Trained staff does field inspections on the plants to identify the presence of possible harmful pathogens. Testing of the crop in the potato laboratory is the final step in potato certification.

Seed Testing, Laboratory, Potato Laboratory, Bean laboratory, Germination and Purity, Seed Laboratory, Plant pathogen, Plant pathology, Quality system, Seed health testing, Seed quality testing, Potato certification, Seed certification, Phaseolus vulgaris, Potato Laboratory Services, Aartappellaboratoriumdienste, Laboratorium, Plant patologie laboratorium, Bakteriese verwelk, Bacterial wilt, Potato virus, Potato disease testing, Potato virus testing, Controlling laboratory