Potato Laboratory

The Potato Laboratory at Plantovita provides a unique service to the Potato Industry of South Africa. The aim of the Potato Laboratory is mainly to test potato samples presented for certification for specific virus and bacterial diseases. The diseases are listed in the Potato Certification Scheme of South Africa. The potato laboratory is specifically equipped for this purpose. The staff of the potato laboratory is appropriately qualified and well trained in the detection of diseases on potatoes. The focus on the potato pathogens leads to the building of expertise on these diseases in the potato laboratory.

Seed Testing, Laboratory, Potato Laboratory, Bean laboratory, Germination and Purity, Seed Laboratory, Plant pathogen, Plant pathology, Quality system, Seed health testing, Seed quality testing, Potato certification, Seed certification, Phaseolus vulgaris, Potato Laboratory Services, Aartappellaboratoriumdienste, Laboratorium, Plant patologie laboratorium, Bakteriese verwelk, Bacterial wilt, Potato virus, Potato disease testing, Potato virus testing, Controlling laboratory